Yokogawa WT1800E High-Performance Power Analyser

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The WT1800E is a high-performance power analyser that guarantees power accuracy of 0.05% of reading plus 0.05% of range. It is capable of harmonics analysis up to the 500th order of a 50/60 Hz fundamental frequency.

With up to 6 input channels, a wide range of display and analysis features, and PC connectivity, the WT1800E is the ideal tool for engineers to accurately measure power characteristics and efficiency of electrical devices.


The WT1800E is a versatile instrument, unlocking precision power measurement capabilities for researchers, designers and engineers working on a wide variety of applications in energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy. Whether it is for the manufacture of energy efficient devices and appliances, hybrid/electric vehicles or renewable energy technologies, the WT1800E is a universal meter for power electronic measurements and energy analysis. Key applications include:

  • Electric, Hybrid Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  • Industrial equipment such as Inverters, Motors and Pumps
  • Renewable energy technologies such as Solar and Wind power
  • Office and Home appliances like Air conditioners and Refrigerators
  • IT Data center equipment like Servers, Routers and Switches
  • Battery charging and Portable devices
  • Ballasts, LEDs & Fluorescent lighting
  • Aircraft Power systems




One Instrument for your Complete System Measurement Needs

  • Simultaneous Electrical Power Measurements of up to 6 Voltages and 6 Currents at 2MS/s (16 bits)
  • Mechanical parameters such as Rotational Speed & Direction, Torque, Slip, Electrical Angle, Mechanical Power, and Motor Efficiency

Peace of Mind with Guaranteed Accuracy

  • Basic Power Accuracy of 0.05% of reading +/- 0.05% of range, guaranteed from 1% to 110% of the selected range
  • Direct Inputs for Voltage & Current, plus an External Input for Sensor connections
  • Independent Range Configuration with Selective Auto-ranging for repetitive production testing

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Harmonics

  • Analyse up to 500th order of Harmonics for 50/60Hz fundamental signals
  • Multiple harmonic parameters such as THD, HDF, THF, and Impedance
  • Dual Harmonic feature to analyse both input and output of inverte

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